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5 Nightly Habits to Make Your Mornings Less Hectic

Writer's picture: Janna RossJanna Ross

Nothing like waking up in the morning and instantly running around like a crazy person trying to get everything and everyone ready to be out the door on time.

If you find that you feel frazzled and out of control most days, stressed out to the max, and constantly on the verge of an anxiety attack then it would do you some good to take a gander at what you're doing in the morning because IT IS impacting the rest of your day.

Whether you're dragging yourself out of bed after hitting snooze 5 times or you just always seem to have too many things to do in the morning these 5 nightly habits can make your mornings less hectic:

  1. Take 5 minutes to get clear on your schedule for the next day and what all you will need for work and various activities.

  2. Prepare ahead of time. Lay out your clothes. Decide what you're having for breakfast. Prep the coffee pot so all you gotta do is press start. Have your things packed up for work. Have your gym bag packed. Whatever it is that you need for the next day have it ready.

  3. Pack your lunch for the next day. This gets its own point because it really needs the attention. Nothing like rushing around in the morning trying to get lunches packed and deciding to heck it! and go through the drive thru. Again. To the consternation of your bank account and health.

  4. Make sure your gas tank is full (ok this isn't nightly, I would hope, but you get my meaning). Do NOT leave it until the morning to fill up your tank. We all hecking know how terrible of an idea that is. I know you don't want to leave your house, but let's be real you'd likely just be scrolling on your phone anyway. Go fill up your tank.

  5. Go to bed on time. Put down your phone. Turn off the TV. Get good sleep! Be an adult and put yourself to bed and stop perpetuating your own problem of not getting enough sleep. If it's not simply bad night time habits keeping you awake and you think it's something to do with your health- go get yourself checked out. Don't throw your sleep to the wind because it's truly the base of your overall wellness.

    Do what doggo does- read til you fall asleep! 😉
    Do what doggo does- read til you fall asleep! 😉

Plan and prep ahead all that you can. Get your face out of your phone. Do something to help you wind down. Get good sleep. DON'T SNOOZE! It'll be much easier to not snooze if you get to bed on time.

Your morning self will thank you.

P.S. Snoozing actually makes you feel worse. DON'T DO IT.

If you really struggle with sleep and find yourself anxious and stressed most days, then my SNAP Method program could be just what you need to get your shiz together. Email me "SNAP Method" at and let's see if it's a fit for you!


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